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The research group is made up of:
Sandro Cattacin: Professor of sociology at the University of Geneva, specialised in Urban studies, marginality and vulnerability, human mobility and policy analysis.
Fiorenza Gamba: Associate Professor of Sociology of culture and communication at the University of Sassari and senior researcher at the University of Geneva. She is specialised in Urban and mobility studies, urban rituals and creativity.
Jenny Maggi: Senior lecturer/researcher at the University of Geneva, specialised in transnational migration, development, citizenship and participation, policy analysis and visual sociology.
Nerea Viana Alzola: PhD candidate in Urban Sociology at the University of Geneva. Her research focuses on the challenges of differences in urban contexts: inclusion and exclusion practices in the cities of Geneva, Switzerland, and Hamamatsu, Japan.
Olivier Waeber: PhD student in social sciences at the University of Geneva, working on urban planning approaches that are difference sensitive and oriented toward inclusion.
Toni Ricciardi: Historian at the University of Geneva. His research focuses on migration, global history and social history.
Marisa Fois: Affliated researcher at the University of Geneva. Her main topics are minorities, politics and identity in North Africa, postcolonialism and decolonisation.
Marco Nardone: PhD candidate in Sociology at the University of Geneva. His research topics are migration, social history and the history of coercive welfare measures, such as placements of children in foster care and administrative detention.
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